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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Grand, CO

location-map Grand , CO | (970) 517 2107

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Waitlist until February 2024 - - As a Grand County local and trauma therapist, I'm ready to help you overcome your grief, PTSD, depression, and irritability. Maybe you're dealing with losing a loved one to suicide or an overdose, or you're unable to shake a car/motor accident, or you're in the middle of a nasty divorce. Maybe you know that the abuse you suffered as a kid is hurting your relationship. You want to regain control of your life and lose the fear that seems so constant. View 4 Photos Let's work together using EMDR, Brainspotting, PAT, IFS, and somatics to get to the root of the problem. Since your body holds your trauma and grief, we work with both your brain and body. We'll use your natural ability to heal and evidenced-based therapy to reach your goals. If you're feeling scared, sad, stuck, broken, bad, or angry, I get it, and I'm here for it. I'm excited to offer trauma therapy to the community. Call, text, or email me today to join my waitlist.